With all the different denominations of Christianity. How can I be sure I am in the right denomination?
Just a quick recap...
According to a 2-volume World Christian Encyclopedia (Barrett, Kurian, and Johnson; Oxford University Press). Christianity consists of 6 major ecclesiastic-cultural blocs, divided into 300 major ecclesiastical traditions, composed of over 33,000 distinct denominations in 238 countries(Vol. I, p.16). We can also break this down into broad categories:
Independents: 22,000
Protestants: 9,000
Marginals: 1,600
Orthodox: 781
Catholics: 242
Anglicans: 168
With all these different denominations I found it difficult not to ask the question, how sure am I that I am in the right one? Now, I know they are all Christian so what's the big deal? Well, it would seem that some of these denominations beliefs are so different that some Christians actually condemn other Christians to hell. So, in the hopes of avoiding eternal punishment I started my journey seeking to find which denomination actually taught the original teachings of Jesus and his disciples. Trust me when I say this turned out to be a lot bigger challenge then I originally anticipated.
There are many ways to proceed with this journey, but I believe the best way is the road I took. My first real question I wanted answered was, why does God command 7 feast days and for the Sabbath to be kept for all times ( I originally thought Sunday was this Sabbath). Christians have also replaced the 7 feast days with Easter & Christmas and they have a unique relationship with Thanksgiving.
Spirituality can be controversial. For a unique outlook on spirituality.
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